Sunday, March 30, 2008

Iron Mountain ride

Juntti, DA, Lackey, Wes, yours truly, toph, Langer (photo by: d sportif)

Finally was able to get that really good outdoor ride in. Yesterday 8 of the Ace guys met at Toms early and we headed down to Iron Mountain for an epic ride. It was mid 40s and sunny all day. We went hard right from the start, literally attacking hills in the first 5 miles. Yes hills... IM has lots of them, I didnt realize this but trust me I'll never forget. Derek and Juntti came to play breaking away whenever possible even doing an extra 4 miles because they liked one hill so much that they felt like riding it twice. I got into a couple breakaways as well, including the last one with Andy and Tom and that one hurt bad... I was doing everything I could to push the pedals and keep trading off pulls at mile 82. A great March ride!

Ride Stats:
Time - 4:56
Distance - 87mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 1128 174 watts
Cadence: 29 141 84 rpm
Speed: 2.2 39.8 17.7 mph
Pace 1:30 26:49 3:23

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